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"The Sound of Distortion"

Presentation from the European triode Festival 2004 (ETF.04)

The European Triode Festival... an incredible event that I've had the pleasure of attending in 2003 and 2004, and hopefully every year thereafter... 

At ETF.04 I had the pleasure of doing a presentation entitled "The Sound of Distortion".  The presentation was designed to let people hear different "harmonic profiles", different distortion, like even-order, odd-order, etc.


To do this I built a circuit using the 6BN6 gated-beam discriminator tube.  With it I could make tailor-made distortion!

The schematic, and more details, can be found in the presentation.


You can download the presentation here:

Microsoft PowerPoint file (WARNING! 2.53MB .ppt file)

Adobe Acrobat (WARNING! 1.16MB PDF file)

For a more readable schematic:

PDF schematic